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Letpub, Scientific Editing Services, Manuscript Editing Service

Selecting a reputable journal in which to present your work is an important step for a successful publication strategy. Some research fields have thousands of journals, and most authors find the selection process difficult. Choosing the wrong journal can mean rejection or a long review, both of which delay publication. With LetPub’s Journal Recommendation service, papers are matched to editors with relevant subject matter expertise. All of our editors are frequently invited to serve as reviewers by scientific journals and they have experience publishing and reviewing articles of all types (e.g., original research, reviews, case reports, surveys, and short communications). They have advanced degrees (PhD and MD) or professional and educational backgrounds, and there is an editor for every discipline, such as clinical medicine, chemistry, physics, engineering, life sciences, and social sciences. They will assess the key scientific factors in your manuscript and recommend suitable journals to ensure an efficient publication process.

Our Service

Our editors will:
Review your manuscript for novelty, impact, and scientific rigor
Provide a brief evaluation of the novelty, impact, and scientific rigor of your manuscript to aid in selection of a target journal
Recommend 3 target journals according to the parameters that you set and in conjunction with an evaluation of the manuscripts scope and quality
Provide an extensive journal profile that covers a variety of journal characteristics and required links for submission

You will receive:
A brief evaluation of the manuscript as it pertains to target journal selection
A journal recommendation form that includes 3 recommended target journals
A detailed profile of the 3 recommended journals to aid in your decision




3 business days

Our Guarantee

Our track record allows us to offer the following guarantee: If the first 3 recommendations do not meet the needs you specify at the time service purchase, we will provide 2 complimentary recommendations to supplement your target journal selection list.


Any author-specified restrictions, including index restrictions, may limit the options that can be provided or require concessions to other parameters of the recommendation process. Recommendation of a journal does not guarantee acceptance. Rejection is entirely at the discretion of the journal and may occur for a variety of reasons for which LetPub does not hold responsibility, including being out of scope. For further information, see our FAQ.


Hongwei Liu

Hebei Academy of Sciences

LetPub's article editing service is very timely and professional, thanks!

Weitao Yang

Tongji University

LetPub is quick, the customer service is good, and the quality of the polished articles is great. The article was successfully accepted by the editorial department!

Yantao Ma

Huadong Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University

The article was polished only once and accepted to publish. LetPub is very professional and the language polish is excellent! Thank you very much!

Shaopeng Cui

Shanxi Agricultural University

Thank you to LetPub for the professional revision of the manuscript. The polishing effect is exceptional. The language problems pointed out by the editors and reviewers were solved easily.

Zhe Wang

Central South University

I am very satisfied with the polishing service provided by LetPub. Due to the strict deadline, I asked for a quick turnaround. The staff was very patient and very active in helping me. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the LetPub staff!

Dr. Károly Jambrovics

University of Debrecen (Hungary)

Working with the LetPub team was one of the easiest and successful collaborations we tried so far. They have made a professional job regarding the graphical abstract and exactly fulfilled the vision what we had about the figure. The communication and flexibility were outstanding; it was a pleasure to work with them. Altogether, the work reflects high professionality and excellence, and the service is highly recommended.

Zhenzhen Dong

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

LetPub's editing service helps to revise some grammatical errors, and correct certain expressions, which saves time.

Dandan Li

Yunnan Agricultural University

The expert editors at LetPub are very professional. We have worked with them twice and both experiences went well. The reviews given by the editors of the journal did not mention the language issue. LetPub's customer service is very good, and the speed of processing articles is very fast, while carefully editing each paper.

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