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Letpub, Scientific Editing Services, Manuscript Editing Service
Editing Services
LetPub's US-based editorial and translation services eliminate language barriers and help you meet the most stringent language and scientific standards

Language Editing

Revise for accurate, clear and concise English

  1-6 business days
 Starting at $79

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Expert Scientific Editing

English editing plus extensive revision for structure, logic research design, and scientific content.

  5-10 business days
 Starting at $415

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Translation (ISO 17100)

Translation from your native language to publication-ready English

  10-20 business days
 Starting at $150

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Grant Editing

Grant Editing provides expert scientific consultation for your proposal

  5-13 business days
 Starting at $195

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Response Letter Editing – Language

Improve the clarity and appropriateness of your response letter

  1-6 business days
 Starting at $79

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Response Letter Editing – Scientific

Comprehensive scientific editing of both the manuscript and the response letter to address the reviewer comments and criticisms – the full-service option

  7-10 business days
 Starting at $995

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Book Editing

English language revision of book manuscripts for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and clarity

  1-6 business days
 Starting at $79

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LaTeX Language Editing

Render submission-ready English-language manuscripts in physics, mathematics and engineering

  1-6 business days
 Starting at $87

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Annual Review & Tenure Files

Prepare a well-crafted tenure dossier and annual review documents detailing research, teaching and service contributions

  1-6 business days
 Starting at $79

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    LetPub introduces Prepay to provide our authors with a convenient tool for depositing funds.

  Prepay funds can be used for future purchases and expedite checkout
  Your funds are secure, non-refundable and never expire.
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$1000 $15
$2500 $100
$5000 $250
$10000 $600
Prepay Rewards are calculated cumulatively; overages are not lost for the customer. Rewards reset annually from the date of first deposit. Reward type is limited by geographic location. Where applicable outside the US, LetPub will reward Visa or Mastercard cash gift cards in lieu of Amazon gift cards.

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