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Organizational Spotlight

Spotlight on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)


Andrés Pagán, Senior Associate Editor

April 2024

What is IEEE?
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), is the world's largest technical professional organization with over 400,000 members in more than 160 countries. Its stated aim is to advance technology for the benefit of humanity.

What IEEE offers
In many ways, IEEE functions as a hub for the global engineering and technology community, providing platforms for collaboration, knowledge sharing , and professional development. It does this by offering a wide range of resources, services, and opportunities for its members. Below we highlight several reasons you might be interested in becoming a member of IEEE.

Membership benefits
IEEE provides various benefits to its members, including access to publications, discounts on conferences and events, opportunities for leadership roles, and eligibility for awards and scholarships. It even helps students, researchers, and professions, identify which benefits they might be interested in based on career stage or location using the Global Benefits Finder tool.

Technical publications
IEEE publishes a substantial portion of the world's academic literature in electrical and electronics engineering, computer science, and related fields. In fact, IEEE has more than 6 million documents including journals, conference proceedings, and technical standards, and publishes some of the most cited journals in their field. Most IEEE publications can be explored on the IEEE Xplore digital library. Importantly, IEEE is committed to helping authors share their breakthroughs through various open access publishing options.

Conferences and events
In addition to being a leader in technical publications, IEEE organizes and/or sponsors thousands of conferences, workshops, and events around the world every year. Whether in person or virtually, these events provide opportunities for academics as well as professionals to present their work and collaborate.

Standards development
IEEE is also major player in standards development for transportation, energy, telecom, and other fast-evolving technical industries. These standards detail specifications, procedures, and best practices and are used by governments and commercial enterprises around the globe.

Professional Development
IEEE also provides a platform for professional development opportunities for its community. Members can benefit from the IEEE Learning Network, which provides continuing education courses. Similarly, IEEE Collabratec is a space where researchers and professionals can connect, collaborate, and search for jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities. Finally, the IEEE JOBSite offers support with resume writing as well as coaching and helps connect employers and jobseekers.

Are you a student, researcher or professional in Electrical and Electronics Engineering or similar technical field? Then join IEEE today.

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